New anthology: Bysamfunn

The anthology Bysamfunn (“Urban Societies”) has recently been launched. The anthology presents various research-based perspectives on contemporary urban societies in Norway and beyond. Three researchers from the Institute of Urbanism and Landscape, AHO have contributed with a chapter each. In his piece, Professor Jonny Aspen argues that a more fine-tuned language about how people actually experience urban living is needed. Associate Professor Erling Dokk Holm proposes a tool for mapping the gender profile of ground floor stores in city centers. For his part, PhD Fellow Sverre Bjerkeset presents an ethnographic study of everyday public space as a place of social encounters. The anthology is edited by Researcher Ida Marie Henriksen and Professor Aksel Tjora at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), and is published by Universitetsforlaget.