Hvilken vei skal byene gå?
- Hoelscher, Kristian|Harboe, Lisbet | Petersen, Sobah Abbas | Christie, Ingrid Nytun | Geirbo, Hanne Cecilie

What is the future of our cities? Central to discussions at Habitat 3 (The UN’s Conference on Housing and Sustainable Urban Development) in Quito will be how cities – both developed and developing – can respond to dynamics of increasing complexity, fragility and insecurity in the coming decades. While often assumed that Western and developing cities are generations apart in levels of development and social stability, the reality is that the complex challenges they face will make these cities increasingly similar. This offers opportunities for inter-urban learning, particularly as more and more cities and citizens are finding unique solutions to institutional and infrastructural challenges and urban fragility.
Hoelscher, K.Harboe, L., & Petersen, S., & Christie, I., & Geirbo, H. 2016. 'Hvilken vei skal byene gå?'. Dagsavisen. Available: