New PhD position: Arctic Resource Network
We call for a practice-based PhD in landscape architecture aimed at developing a local resource network in an Arctic community, specifically dealing with food or other local resources such as recycled building material.
The PhD should be based in community-directed approaches such as action research practices and in design methodologies such as transition and systems design, and steered by strategic design thinking. The PhD project combines expertice from cultural heritage, landscape architecture and architecture. With knowledge of the current academic and practical body of work shaping coastal development in the Arctic, it looks specifically at the communities of Vardø or Longyearbyen, where the project Circular, Balanced and Shared has its focus and intervention practices, rooted in emerging theories on circular design, and based in a strong connection to local entrepreneurs and municipalities.
The PhD project is sensitive to social initiatives, needs and enterprises, and aware of both materialities and people as local resources. The project reflects landscape architecture as a strategic tool for place development founded in care for the qualities of place, for landscape-driven practices and design/systems thinking on a local scale. The research requires extended periods of fieldwork at the chosen location. Applicants should name relevant local partners.
The candidate should have experience from working across fields, and with tools for representation of landscape-driven design potential. Candidates must demonstrate good academic writing skills.