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Lisbet Harboe




Lisbet is Associate Professor at the Institute of Urbanism and Landscape. She has  years of experience from architectural practice. In 2012 she recieved her PhD at AHO with the dissertation titled: “Social Concerns in Contemporary Architecture: Three European Practices and Their Works”. Currently, Lisbet coordinates the Master in Urbanism programme, and teaches in the Urban Design Studio.


Arctic Building and Construction – Architecture and Urban Space|Arctic City|Innovating Urban Practices|Learning Flexibility|Norwegian Urbanism

Publications (24)


Learning Flexibility – Pathways to Urban Transformation

  • Suyama, Bianca|Amaro, Gerardo Lopez|Geirbo, Hanne Cecilie|Harboe, Lisbet|Hoelscher, Kristian|Martins, Daniel|Petersen, Sobah Abbas

This report synthesizes selected lessons from the research project Learning Flexibility: Novel Responses to Urban Challenge and Crisis. Explicitly embracing interdisciplinarity, the project examined how cities beset by fragility, crisis and vulnerability can be sites of innovation for policy, practice and physical interventions... Read »



Norwegian Urban Challenges – Stakeholder dialogues 2018

  • Harboe, Lisbet|Geirbo, Hanne Cecilie|Hoelscher, Kristian|Petersen, Sobah Abbas|Christie, Ingrid

This report highlights some of the main challenges facing Norwegian cities. These are likely to demand increased attention now and in the years ahead. Through dialogue and discussions with stakeholders, the report discusses questions related to urban development, energy, governance and participation in Norwegian cities over the next three decades, as well as ways of tackling them... Read »


Hvor smart?

Konkrete undersøkelser og diskusjoner av digitaliseringens betydning for norske byer: Digital teknologi er en sentral del av samfunnsutvikling og hverdagsliv, og blir stadig viktigere i byutviklingen... Read »


Norske floker – Urbane utfordringer

  • Harboe, Lisbet|Geirbo, Hanne Cecilie|Hoelscher, Kristian|Petersen, Sobah Abbas|Christie, Ingrid

Et stort demografisk skifte til urbane levesett og den økende urbaniseringen gir både muligheter og utfordringer. Blant de største utfordringene kan vi nevne ressursknapphet klimaendringer og byvekst, sammen med mer komplekse og sammensatte samfunn... Read »



This book documents the joint effort of an international group of researchers and students of architecture and landscape architecture to understand the everyday Kirkenes, its life, and the thinking of the inhabitants about the town and its future. These crucial local elements inform the students so that their design proposals can better suggest ways that the future of the town could unfold... Read »



Hvilken vei skal byene gå?

  • Hoelscher, Kristian|Harboe, Lisbet|Petersen, Sobah Abbas|Christie, Ingrid Nytun|Geirbo, Hanne Cecilie

What is the future of our cities? Central to discussions at Habitat 3 (The UN’s Conference on Housing and Sustainable Urban Development) in Quito will be how cities – both developed and developing – can respond to dynamics of increasing complexity, fragility and insecurity in the coming decades... Read »

Conference paper

Urban landscape hybrids in Arctic cities

The Arctic is urbanizing. Not just in terms of demography and economy, but also in terms of cultural evolution, changing values and lifestyle choices. The tension between colonial modernization as expressed in architecture and urban planning and indigenous ways of life is evident in many Arctic cities... Read »

Conference paper

Place Specific Arctic Urbanism

The planning of Arctic cities largely still happens within a modernist master-planning framework. This tendency has paradoxically persevered, as anti-urban identity discourses relating to indigenous populations have left little room for re-evaluating city design... Read »