Imaging an Excursion, Imagining an Expedition:On Methods of an Alpine Landscape Design Studio at Oslo School of Architecture and Design

“Behind the Hill, Into the Wild” was a landscape design studio at Oslo School of Architecture and Design. This studio explored photographic images from analogical field trips as a way to approach an alpine design site which was inaccessible. Alpine landscapes of the Norwegian Scandes was seen as a compressed model of the Colombian Andes. Methods included participatory landscape photography, figure-ground editing, and image collaging. Stages included analogical excursion, image, imaginative image, analogical expedition, and constructive image. This process aided researchers to physically interact with alpine environments and to speculate inaccessible landscapes through imaging and imagination.
Li, B.Callejas, L. 2017. 'Imaging an Excursion, Imagining an Expedition:On Methods of an Alpine Landscape Design Studio at Oslo School of Architecture and Design'. Landscape Architecture (CN). 12/2017. 52–57.