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Digital Urban Living

Publications (8)



Retten til det digitale skiftet

Det digitale skiftet utfordrer helt sentrale prinsipper om fellesskap, kollektive rettigheter og sosial bærekraft, samtidig som det også representerer et spennende mulighetsfelt for samfunnsutvikling... Read »



Hvor smart?

Konkrete undersøkelser og diskusjoner av digitaliseringens betydning for norske byer: Digital teknologi er en sentral del av samfunnsutvikling og hverdagsliv, og blir stadig viktigere i byutviklingen... Read »

Conference paper

Challenges of the ‘Urban Digital’: Addressing interdisciplinarity and power in the planning and design of the digital city

This paper identifies and discusses a set of challenges relating to the design of digital services in policies and strategies for more liveable and sustainable cities. These challenges emerge in the meeting between the knowledge and practice fields of digital design, which deal with service and interaction design, and urbanism, which is concerned with the study, planning and design of cities... Read »


Conference paper

Making the mobile and networked city visible by design

We address how to make apparent a number of design initiated articulations to do with accessing, assembling, and mediating the data of the networked city and their visual renderings in publicly accessible formats. These ‘designed moves’ heighten the significance of both design knowledge and research interpretations in an exploratory and dynamic inquiry... Read »