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Jonny Aspen




Jonny is Professor at Institute in urban theory of Urbanism and Landscape. His research interest intersect fields such as urban planning history, urban theory, and issues related to the contemporary city in terms of development and transformation, and social and cultural features. More specifically he is interested in researching 1) interrelations between physical surroundings and socio-cultural features, 2) issues related to ‘reading the city’, mapping and urban discourses, 3) issues of everyday urban living, and 4) issues of social diversity and mixed cultures. He has recently gained interest in new technologies, especially ICT-related technologies, and their affect on cities and urban living. He is currently involved in a research project on ‘Social media and the city’ (YOUrban) and involved in a book project on ‘The vitalist city’ and on “The Urban Matrix’.


Bymiljøarkivet|Digital Urban Living|The Vital City

Publications (31)


Retten til det digitale skiftet

Det digitale skiftet utfordrer helt sentrale prinsipper om fellesskap, kollektive rettigheter og sosial bærekraft, samtidig som det også representerer et spennende mulighetsfelt for samfunnsutvikling... Read »

Conference paper

Challenges of the ‘Urban Digital’: Addressing interdisciplinarity and power in the planning and design of the digital city

This paper identifies and discusses a set of challenges relating to the design of digital services in policies and strategies for more liveable and sustainable cities. These challenges emerge in the meeting between the knowledge and practice fields of digital design, which deal with service and interaction design, and urbanism, which is concerned with the study, planning and design of cities... Read »


Den vitale byen

Hva er det som gjør en by vital? Og kan man planlegge for en vital by? Byen er et sted hvor ulike krefter utspiller seg. Mennesker møtes, bygninger bygges og parker anlegges. I løpet av de siste tiårene har man i Skandinavia ønsket å utvikle levende byer, byer som ser vakre ut, og som folk kan bo og trives i... Read »

Book chapter

Exploring locative media for cultural mapping

Mapping is intimately related to the practice of urbanism, one that is beginning to be transformed by social and locative media. This chapter presents research in a project into the design and use of a GPS-based ‘app’ called Streetscape based on the mapping methodology of Urban Gallery (by chora)... Read »


Conference paper

Making the mobile and networked city visible by design

We address how to make apparent a number of design initiated articulations to do with accessing, assembling, and mediating the data of the networked city and their visual renderings in publicly accessible formats. These ‘designed moves’ heighten the significance of both design knowledge and research interpretations in an exploratory and dynamic inquiry... Read »

Book chapter

Oslo – The Triumph of Zombie Urbanism

Contemporary discourses on urban redevelopment and design are, at least as seen from the perspective of Northern Europe, surprisingly alike and homogeneous. They all subscribe to the idea that the future lies in building some version of “the creative city.” It is a city being rebuilt based on the happy mix of creativity and knowledge with culture and urban consumption... Read »