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Publications (320)

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Deep Landscape

We know very little about what is under our feet. We are used to the sight of manhole covers punctuating the streets around us, and we know that they provide access to the subterranean water system... Read »


PhD thesis: A Landscape Approach. Reading a Geographic Context Through Multiple Dimensions: The Case of the Hexi Corridor Region in China’s Northwestern Gansu Province

Long-term processes of socio-environmental transformation have severely degraded entire world regions, leading to pressing social, economic, and environmental challenges. In this planetary context, the thesis develops a Landscape Approach as a theoretical framework to systematically read and better understand large-scale geographies... Read »

Book chapter

Svalbard’s Urban Imaginaries

Cities and buildings are materializations of imaginaries of place. The Arctic is urbanizing, and Svalbard can help us understand how this realization takes place, and some of the diverging forms urbanization takes when translated into built form by architects and planners... Read »


Byrom i skvis: Mellom attraksjon og interaksjon

Tilfeldig kontakt mellom fremmede er et grunnleggende og ofte feiret trekk ved bylivet. Veksten i privateide offentlige byrom har derfor vekket bekymring: mennesker, aktiviteter og sosiale utvekslinger som kan true næringsinteresser, blir gjerne forsøkt fjernet eller tøylet... Read »


Landscapes between signal and data: Formal identification and analysis of forest clearings in Oslo through lidar data

This article investigates how airborne light detection and ranging (lidar) point cloud data and their embedded data models can serve as the basis for revealing, studying, and manipulating clearings in the urban forest situated in the north of Oslo. Furthermore, the article describes the unique highresolution public and open digital data and infrastructure that surveys these landscapes in Norway... Read »


The Concept of Place in Displacement Management

The concept of place increasingly appears in literature produced by and for actors of global displacement management relating to interventions concerning the built environment. Place, in this context, is presented as a concept appropriate for interventions in especially urban, non-camp settings... Read »


Hva er landskap?

Det har skjedd en slags revolusjon i tenkingen om landskap de siste årene. Landskap er ikke lenger en fredfylt ramme for våre liv. De gror igjen, oversvømmes, graves opp, faller fra hverandre, fylles av hytter og vindmøller. De ligger midt i den politiske debatten. .. Read »


Containment from Within : Women Entrepreneurs’ Strategies for Accessing Public Space and Securing Livelihoods in Nairobi during COVID-19 Pandemic

  • Ese, Anders|Ese, Kristin|Mukeku, Joseph|Sanyal, Romola|Sidori, Benjamin|Lien, Ida Zeline|Bergby, Synne

The restrictions limiting social interaction and use of public space in Nairobi during the COVID-19 pandemic have disproportionately affected residents in poor urban communities, who are dependent on using streets, alleyways, and communal areas as extensions of their household spaces to secure livelihoods... Read »


Norwegian Strategic Heritage Practices

Complex contemporary challenges across Europe have, over time, called for a shift in the way we approach planning. In Norway, as well as many other European countries, urban planning practices are largely project-based and initiated by private actors. This has called for a strategic approach in planning and development as well as heritage management... Read »


The Many Ways to be Nordic in the Arctic

Architecture in Scandinavia’s Arctic north exists in a tension between place-specific approaches and globalizing and potentially homogenizing meta-narratives. Here, I will show how ‘Nordic architecture’ is constructed in the Arctic. We can start with the region’s geophysical qualities of snow and darkness... Read »


Landscape Approach : From Local Communities to Territorial Systems

The book promotes a landscape approach as a method for understanding and addressing the complex interdependent issues of environmental and climatic change, ecological degradation, and socio-cultural inequalities. The twenty-three book essays are structured into five sections around concepts of urban landscape systems, ecology, politics, territory, and practice... Read »


Å reise noe nytt og bedre : om arkitektur og politikk 1935–1940

  • Kronborg, Anne-Kristine

En politisk bevegelse med vilje til å forandre samfunnet, en velferdsstat på skissestadiet og en gruppe arkitekter i rollen som det nye samfunnets formgivere. Det er dette denne avhandlingen handler om. I 1935 dannet Arbeiderpartiet regjering. Det regnes som innledningen til en ny epoke i norsk historie... Read »


The Banwan Project, From Experiment to Model?

  • Cao, Qing,

Rural policies are given priority in China, and governmental and regional funding is allocated to the countryside. Chinese villages are being transformed as a partof the urbanization and modernization process as societies, habitats, and architecture. This Ph.D... Read »


Containment from Within: Women Entrepreneurs’ Strategies for Accessing Public Space and Securing Livelihoods in Nairobi during COVID-19 Pandemic

  • Ese, Anders|Ese, Kristin|Mukeku, Joseph|Sanyal, Romola|Sidori, Benjamin|Lien, Ida|Bergby, Synne

The restrictions limiting social interaction and use of public space in Nairobi during the COVID-19 pandemic have disproportionately affected residents in poor urban communities, who are dependent on using streets, alleyways, and communal areas as extensions of their household spaces to secure livelihoods... Read »


Displacement and placemaking in design studios

This article explores how placemaking took place in architectural and design studios working with migrant and displaced communities at universities in three countries. Placemaking is a dimension of architectural and urban design practice that is emulated in architectural design studios – and often takes the form of a top-down and expert-driven exercise... Read »


Environmental consequences of the longing for power: Revisiting Lower Silesia’s landscapes under Frederick the Great

The prevalence of the ‘Anthropocene’—the epoch of humankind’s detrimental force on environments—in academic discourse over the past decades has reinstigated an environmental approach to landscape history. This article is part of a project focusing on Lower Silesia’s environmental history and its relationship to urbanism, political economies and sociocultural shifts... Read »



Hello, stranger? Public space between interaction and attraction

A much-celebrated feature of urbanity, is peaceful face-to-face interaction among diverse strangers in public spaces. Such interaction has major civilizing effects, leading urban scholars argue. The rise in privately owned and tightly managed public spaces, tending to displace people, activities and exchanges that may discomfort target groups, has thus raised broad concerns... Read »


A Pandemic of Control: Views on Restrictions and Livelihoods among Women Traders in Nairobi

  • Ese, Anders|Mukeku, Joseph|Sanyal, Romola|Sidori, Benjamin|Ese, Kristin

In poor urban neighborhoods in Nairobi, Kenya, Covid-19 related restrictions have resulted in tremendous economic setbacks for residents. Through their SSRC-funded research, Anders Ese, Kristin Ese, Joseph Mukeku, Benjamin Sidori, and Romola Sanyal interviewed women traders to make connections between Covid-related setbacks, the practices of containment, and assistance provided by authorities... Read »


What time is this coast? Temporal encounters in the Arctic

While the discipline of landscape architecture is regarded as engaging closely with time, the temporal span that it works within is, more often than not, very narrow. In this article, I draw on three concepts of time that allow experiential engagement with the material and immaterial agencies of an Arctic coastal site to emerge... Read »


Arcticness and the Urbanism of the North

Arcticness (or Northernness) has been expressed in the planning and design of Arctic cities over the past century. This paper explores how the imaginary conveyed in this notion has influenced the urbanism and architecture of northern communities in different ways... Read »


Retten til det digitale skiftet

Det digitale skiftet utfordrer helt sentrale prinsipper om fellesskap, kollektive rettigheter og sosial bærekraft, samtidig som det også representerer et spennende mulighetsfelt for samfunnsutvikling... Read »


Learning Flexibility – Pathways to Urban Transformation

  • Suyama, Bianca|Amaro, Gerardo Lopez|Geirbo, Hanne Cecilie|Harboe, Lisbet|Hoelscher, Kristian|Martins, Daniel|Petersen, Sobah Abbas

This report synthesizes selected lessons from the research project Learning Flexibility: Novel Responses to Urban Challenge and Crisis. Explicitly embracing interdisciplinarity, the project examined how cities beset by fragility, crisis and vulnerability can be sites of innovation for policy, practice and physical interventions... Read »


In Transit Studio: Oslo Files

This booklet is about the Oslo cases of the In Transit Studio portfolio. The In Transit Studio is part of the EUIndia Platform for Social Sciences and Humanities (EqUIP)-funded research project Displacement, Placemaking and Wellbeing in the City (DWELL), which compares case studies in India, Finland, Norway, and the UK... Read »


From landfills to landscapes—Nature-based solutions for water management taking into account legacy contamination

Nature-based solutions (NBS) can be used in combination with the reopening of piped rivers to support area development. In certain cases, piped rivers can run through disused landfills. This presents a complicating factor because landfills provide the possibility for river water to be contaminated by waste... Read »


Hello, stranger? Urban public space between interaction and attraction

  • Bjekeset, Sverre

A much-celebrated feature of urbanity, is peaceful face-to-face interaction among diverse strangers in public spaces. Such interaction has major civilizing effects, leading urban scholars argue. The rise in privately owned and tightly managed public spaces, tending to displace people, activities and exchanges that may discomfort target groups, has thus raised broad concerns... Read »



The City Makers of Nairobi: An African Urban History

The City Makers of Nairobi re-examines the history of the urban development of Nairobi in the colonial period. Although Nairobi was a colonial construct with lasting negative repercussions, the African population’s impact on its history and development is often overlooked... Read »


Mot en grønn areal- og regionplanlegging : tendenser i det norske plansystemet

Denne forskningsrapporten inneholder artikler som bygger på empiri fra forskningsprosjektet Urban EEA (Urban Experimental Eco system Accounting) finansiert av Norges forskningsråd. NINA (Norsk institutt for naturforskning) ved David Barton, har ledet prosjektet. SSB (Statistisk Sentralbyrå) og AHO (Arkitektur- og designhøgskolen i Oslo) har vært partnere i prosjektet... Read »


Med altoverskyggende mål om bymessighet

Huge infrastructure investment in transportation together with governmental ambitions for land-use policies have led to a new Norwegian system for planning based on agreements on policies and investments. The agreements are grounded in a transport-oriented development model and demand new, high standards for density around the nodes... Read »



Future North : Vardø

ON FUTURE NORTH → 7 1. INTO THE FUTURE – Andrew Morrison → 11 2. RUINS IN REVERSE – Janike Kampevold Larsen → 20 3. TRANSECT WALK – Peter Hemmersam → 32 4. WALKING THE HIGH WIRE – William L. Fox → 51 5. METHODS FOR PROBING FUTURES: VARDØ – Henry Mainsah → 55 6. SAVOUR THE PAST, TASTE THE FUTURE – Brona Ann Keenan and Miles Franklin Hamaker → 57 7... Read »


Future North : Svalbard

INTRODUCTION – Janike Kampevold Larsen & Peter Hemmersam → 7 1. INVENTING AND REINVENTING PLACE IDENTITY IN LONGYEARBYEN: TOWARDS A POST-MINING CITY? – Aileen A. Espíritu → 9 THE ART OF SVALBARD, MAY 23–JUNE 1, 2015 – Bill Fox → 14 2. A FLUID LANDSCAPE – Kathleen John-Alder → 19 NARRATA → 22 3... Read »


Future North : Kola

PREFACE – Janike Kampevold Larsen & Peter Hemmersam → 13 1. ENCOUNTERING KOLA – Peter Hemmersam & Janike Kampevold Larsen → 15 2. MURMANSK: A COASTAL CITY? – Aileen A. Espíritu, Ph.D. → 25 4. ENNOBLING URBAN SPACE IN THE BORDER REGION, INTERVIEW WITH MORGAN IP – Peter Hemmersam & Vlad Lyachov → 31 5... Read »

Book chapter

Disturbed Ground and Landscape Change in the Arctic

Anthropocene discourses shapes perceptions of landscape futures. This chapter reports on a visual survey and characterisation of ongoing landscape transformation in two Subarctic regions , using as a reference mechanical excavators, or ‘diggers’ – the most obvious technology for ground alteration and landscape (re)creation... Read »


Global Perspectives on Landscape and Territory

From the South: Global Perspectives on Landscapeand Territory is the first book publication by the ILC (International Landscape Collaborative). The book promotes a landscape approach that aims to understand today’s environmental challenges and socio-political transformations through the medium of landscape and to discuss sites of different scales in connection to their territorial context... Read »

Conference paper

Living on the threshold: the missing debate on peri-urban asylum reception centres in Norway, 2015-16

In 2016, almost 40 per cent of Norwegian asylum reception centres (ARCs) were located in so-called peri-urban landscapes across the country. In media coverage and central planning documents; however, geographical location seems rarely to be considered as potentially crucial to the well-being of asylum seekers or their integration... Read »


House prices and relative location

We show that price levels defined by postcodes within a city gloss over important price variation driven by relative location. Relative location as in proximity to subway, parks and services turn out to be the major price determinant within a city. This insight can be used by urban planners to conctruct high value neighborhoods.   .. Read »


Landscape Measures for Improved Management of Stormwater and Leachate at Old Closed Landfills

River re-opening strategies of piped streams are used to accommodate greater quantities of stormwater. However, experience in Norway has demonstrated challenges in applying standard principles of local infiltration and retention of water, when the former valleys have been used as dumping grounds. The water that come in contact with the waste can spread contaminants to adjacent areas... Read »


MOT EN BLÅGRØNN EIENDOMSUTVIKLING? «Stresstesting» av Blågrønn Faktor på utvalgte case studier i Bærum Kommune

  • Ellefsen, Halvor Weider|Barton, David

Rapporten Mot en blågrønn eiendomsutvikling? – Stresstesting av Blågrønn Faktor på utvalgte case studier i Bærum kommune evaluerer bruk av verktøyet «blågrønn faktor» (BGF), som skal fremme blågrønne kvaliteter i eiendomsutviklingen. Rapporten er basert på 7 case-studier av ulike utviklingsområder i Bærum, valgt ut i samarbeid Bærum kommune, juli 2018... Read »

Book chapter

Landscapes as Archives of the Future?

The interdisciplinary Future North project experimentally investigates the territories and landscapes of the High North or Subarctic regions of Northern Europe. It studies the relationship between people and their environments and attempts to map the ›future‹ landscapes that are developed through both social and individual agency... Read »


Norwegian Urban Challenges – Stakeholder dialogues 2018

  • Harboe, Lisbet|Geirbo, Hanne Cecilie|Hoelscher, Kristian|Petersen, Sobah Abbas|Christie, Ingrid

This report highlights some of the main challenges facing Norwegian cities. These are likely to demand increased attention now and in the years ahead. Through dialogue and discussions with stakeholders, the report discusses questions related to urban development, energy, governance and participation in Norwegian cities over the next three decades, as well as ways of tackling them... Read »


Hvor smart?

Konkrete undersøkelser og diskusjoner av digitaliseringens betydning for norske byer: Digital teknologi er en sentral del av samfunnsutvikling og hverdagsliv, og blir stadig viktigere i byutviklingen... Read »


Konseptet Urban Walkable Unit, en ide for å omstrukturere den spredte byen og skape gangbare, blågrønne og bilfrie områder

  • Rivera, Agustin Sebastian|Sjødahl, Elisabeth

This work explains the application of a design and planning concept, the Urban Walkable Unit, that could lead to abandonment of car-dependent mobility and reverse the effects of urban sprawl: territory fragmentation, deterioration of the quality of the built environment and reduced possibilities for social interaction... Read »


Norske floker – Urbane utfordringer

  • Harboe, Lisbet|Geirbo, Hanne Cecilie|Hoelscher, Kristian|Petersen, Sobah Abbas|Christie, Ingrid

Et stort demografisk skifte til urbane levesett og den økende urbaniseringen gir både muligheter og utfordringer. Blant de største utfordringene kan vi nevne ressursknapphet klimaendringer og byvekst, sammen med mer komplekse og sammensatte samfunn... Read »


Future North : the changing Arctic landscapes

The changing Arctic is of broad political concern and is being studied across many fields. This book investigates ongoing changes in the Arctic from a landscape perspective. It examines settlements and territories of the Barents Sea Coast, Northern Norway, the Russian Kola Peninsula, Svalbard and Greenland from an interdisciplinary, design-based and future-oriented perspective... Read »


Arctic City

Public lecture at HafenCity University in Hamburg 10 January, 2018. Despite being remote, the Arctic is in fact home to millions of people, and the region is facing some of the most rapid urban change on the globe due to climate change, resource exploitation and geopolitical posturing. The talk will present historical trajectories and contemporary dimensions of urbanism in the circumpolar region... Read »



Imaging an Excursion, Imagining an Expedition:On Methods of an Alpine Landscape Design Studio at Oslo School of Architecture and Design

“Behind the Hill, Into the Wild” was a landscape design studio at Oslo School of Architecture and Design. This studio explored photographic images from analogical field trips as a way to approach an alpine design site which was inaccessible. Alpine landscapes of the Norwegian Scandes was seen as a compressed model of the Colombian Andes... Read »



This book documents the joint effort of an international group of researchers and students of architecture and landscape architecture to understand the everyday Kirkenes, its life, and the thinking of the inhabitants about the town and its future. These crucial local elements inform the students so that their design proposals can better suggest ways that the future of the town could unfold... Read »

Conference paper

Challenges of the ‘Urban Digital’: Addressing interdisciplinarity and power in the planning and design of the digital city

This paper identifies and discusses a set of challenges relating to the design of digital services in policies and strategies for more liveable and sustainable cities. These challenges emerge in the meeting between the knowledge and practice fields of digital design, which deal with service and interaction design, and urbanism, which is concerned with the study, planning and design of cities... Read »

Conference paper

Disturbed Ground and Landscape Change in the Arctic

Discourses on the Anthropocene influence perceptions of landscape futures. This paper reports on a visual survey and characterisation of ongoing landscape transformation in two regions in the Arctic (including the Subarctic), using as a reference mechanical excavators, or ‘diggers’ – the most obvious technology for ground alteration and landscape (re)creation... Read »


Public art : urban learning 

  • Myrvold, Charlotte

This thesis is about the role of public art in the urban redevelopment of Bjørvika on the seaside of Oslo. The cultural-led approach to the area transformation has occasioned a public art programme embedded in the redevelopment process... Read »


Fiskevær – Myre på Yttersida

Fiskeværene er en unik del av Norges bosettingshistorie. Vinterfisket etter skrei la grunnlag for en fiskeværskultur som er spesielt velutviklet og mangfoldig i området fra Lofoten til Senja. Havner, kaier, mottak, produksjonsbedrifter, boliger og fellesbygninger kan i disse værene leses som redskap for næringa, som en fangstkulturs tilpassing og som fiskerinæringas avtrykk på land... Read »


The architecture of the urban project

The Architecture of the Urban Project” is about large-scale architecture in Norway. Projects that potentially fall into this category are those that blur the distinction between the city and the building, more specifically projects such as new universities, urban redevelopments and waterfront transformations... Read »


Hvilken vei skal byene gå?

  • Hoelscher, Kristian|Harboe, Lisbet|Petersen, Sobah Abbas|Christie, Ingrid Nytun|Geirbo, Hanne Cecilie

What is the future of our cities? Central to discussions at Habitat 3 (The UN’s Conference on Housing and Sustainable Urban Development) in Quito will be how cities – both developed and developing – can respond to dynamics of increasing complexity, fragility and insecurity in the coming decades... Read »

Conference paper

Urban landscape hybrids in Arctic cities

The Arctic is urbanizing. Not just in terms of demography and economy, but also in terms of cultural evolution, changing values and lifestyle choices. The tension between colonial modernization as expressed in architecture and urban planning and indigenous ways of life is evident in many Arctic cities... Read »


Distances, accessibilities and attractiveness; looking at new approaches to include measures of urban form in hedonic pricing modelling?

The population of Oslo increases rapidly and the corresponding demand of housing is an issue of great public, political and professional interest. Today, we can see several interesting discrepancies in the housing market, such as very high prices for dwellings with low technical standards and dwellings located in neighbourhoods very different from those planned and built today... Read »


Arctic Architectures

In 1968, the British/Swedish architect Ralph Erskine published an article ‘Architecture and town planning in the north’ in this journal, in which he called for a particular Arctic approach to the design of buildings and cities that is distinct from mainstream architecture due to conditions such as harsh climate, resident indigenous or sparse population and remoteness... Read »

Conference paper

Place Specific Arctic Urbanism

The planning of Arctic cities largely still happens within a modernist master-planning framework. This tendency has paradoxically persevered, as anti-urban identity discourses relating to indigenous populations have left little room for re-evaluating city design... Read »


Arctic urbanism: Kola mining towns

Arctic settlements and cities are adapting to climatic, economic, social and geo-political changes. Strategies for planning and transformation of cities do not only depend on these dynamic and emerging conditions, but also on how existing material cultures provides frames for thinking about possible urban futures... Read »

Conference paper

Participatory Mapping in the Co-Design of the Future North

It is important for designers of the built environment – from the varying scales of architecture, urbanism, and landscape – to capture and reflect locally specific human voices in the anticipation and design of future communities in the face of great change. The world is increasingly challenged with the complex dynamics of climate change and globalisation... Read »

Conference paper

Co-narrating a Future North

  • Morrison, Andrew

Arctic Frontiers 2015 – Future North Session Through the persona of Narratta as a ‘thing that speaks ‘I investigate what might be shaped on site in the arctic but also online in the cast of design fiction. This situates the work within comunication design and digital narrative... Read »

Conference paper

Personas and projections. A lyrical essay on facing climate change via design fiction

UNESCO Chair in Anticipatory Systems, together with WAAS-World Academy of Art and Science, ISSS-International Society for the Systems Sciences, the Advanced Design Network, and the Department of Sociology and Social Sciences of the University of Trento Abstract: We identify two challenges concerning conceptualisations of communication design, design fiction and future views on the arctic... Read »


Den vitale byen

Hva er det som gjør en by vital? Og kan man planlegge for en vital by? Byen er et sted hvor ulike krefter utspiller seg. Mennesker møtes, bygninger bygges og parker anlegges. I løpet av de siste tiårene har man i Skandinavia ønsket å utvikle levende byer, byer som ser vakre ut, og som folk kan bo og trives i... Read »


Planlægning, by og butik

Danmark har lang tradition for streng byplanmæssig styring af detailhandelen, og Svend Aukens stop for nye eksterne shoppingcentre i 1997 og den efterfølgende politik har været en stor succes i forhold til at begrænse butiksflugten til bilbyen... Read »

Book chapter

Exploring locative media for cultural mapping

Mapping is intimately related to the practice of urbanism, one that is beginning to be transformed by social and locative media. This chapter presents research in a project into the design and use of a GPS-based ‘app’ called Streetscape based on the mapping methodology of Urban Gallery (by chora)... Read »


…gruvedrift i nord

Arrangement: Bærekraftig by-og tettstedsutvikling Type arrangement: Konferanse Utbredelsesområde: Norsk Arrangør: UiT – Norges arktiske uni og Fagforbundet Sted: Tromsø Tidspunkt: 12.02.14 – 13.02.14 .. Read »

Conference paper

Sápmi and the Fennoscandian shield – on and off the map

Triggered by European Union’s Raw Material Initiative and intensified resource mapping, a negotiation of the limits of exploitation is emerging; in it decision makers go to extremes in accepting environmental damage. This paper unfolds discourses on resource extraction from two cartographies representing the same territory with different names and worldviews... Read »

Book chapter

Forests and Trees in the City: Southwest Flanders and the Mekong Delta

Throughout the history of urbanism, there has almost always been an interweaving of structures of plantation with urban armatures and tissues. In Europe and Asia, forests have been the counter-figure of the city, embedded the city or complemented the city. Simultaneously, lines of trees are planted on public spaces. This has been systematically planned and constructed... Read »


UFO4 Village in the City

The ‘Village in the City’ is surely as a specific as a spectacular urban form that is generated by the particular urbanization process that China is undergoing during the last two decades. The massive scale and the unprecedented speed of such urbanization implies an incredible multiplicity of ‘villages in the city’... Read »


UFO3 Water Urbanisms East

Waters Urbanisms East expands upon the first edition of Water Urbanisms, published in 2008. It gathers a number of leading practitioners and academics globally to reflect upon the growing challenges of water in the city, infrastructural landscapes and the reuniting of engineered and natural processes... Read »


Conference paper

Making the mobile and networked city visible by design

We address how to make apparent a number of design initiated articulations to do with accessing, assembling, and mediating the data of the networked city and their visual renderings in publicly accessible formats. These ‘designed moves’ heighten the significance of both design knowledge and research interpretations in an exploratory and dynamic inquiry... Read »


Urban Design: The New City Center

This report is a result of a collaboration between The Foundation for Design and Architecture in Norway and the Institute of Urbanism and Landscape at the Oslo School of Architecture and Design, and the purpose was to uncover consequences of, and potentials in, shopping centre construction in small and medium sized Norwegian towns... Read »


Kjøpesentrene har kommet for å bli

Førsteamanuensis ved Arkitekthøyskolen i Oslo, Peter Hemmersam, gjør opp status for forholdet mellom kjøpesentre og tradisjonelle sentrum, peker ut hovedproblemer slik situasjonen er og har vært – og antyder en vei videre. .. Read »

Book chapter

Eco-Engineering for Water: From Soft to Hard and Back

Water-based urbanism, that is, the design of cities around the role and dynamics of water, has been a powerful urban impetus in many parts of the world. As a consequence of the location of cities along major rivers, on seacoasts, and in inland and coastal deltas, water urbanism is indeed a predominant part of the history and current status of many cities... Read »


(Recovering) China’s Urban Rivers as Public Space

This article focuses on the revered role rivers in China once held – in cartography, history, mythology, festivals, cities, and everyday life. It reviews and summarizes ‘hydraulic civilization’, taking cognizance of feng shui as it does so. Four historical cases testify to the fact that China’s great cities were founded on riverbanks and developed in tandem with floodplain dynamics... Read »

Conference paper

Making the mobile and networked city visible by design

We address how to make apparent a number of design initiated articulations to do with accessing, assembling, and mediating the data of the networked city and their visual renderings in publicly accessible formats. These ‘designed moves’ heighten the significance of both design knowledge and research interpretations in an exploratory and dynamic inquiry... Read »

Book chapter

Oslo – The Triumph of Zombie Urbanism

Contemporary discourses on urban redevelopment and design are, at least as seen from the perspective of Northern Europe, surprisingly alike and homogeneous. They all subscribe to the idea that the future lies in building some version of “the creative city.” It is a city being rebuilt based on the happy mix of creativity and knowledge with culture and urban consumption... Read »


Negotiating the Image of the City : A Discussion of Skilled Perception and the Role of the Artist in the Redevelopment of Bjørvika

In the master plan of the redevelopment of the former industrial harbor Bjørvika, funding for art is stipulated along with access to the site during the construction phase. This article looks at an intervention, from 2005, of the artist Marianne Heier, in relation to the strategic use of imagery in place branding and the use of images to structure change... Read »


Urban Design: Future City

A consensus as to how cities can meet the challenges posed by sustainability is emerging. The primary response of cities in terms of urban policy and planning can be summed up in the term ‘Compact City’. This is a strategy that is easy to envision for planners, politicians and the general public... Read »


Views. Norway seen from the road 1733–2020

High mountains, narrow fjords, deep valleys. Norway’s views are its national pride – and also an international trademark. But it is easy to forget that these views are inaccessible without the roads that can take us there. Ever since the 18th century, the image of the Norwegian landscape has been inextricably tied to the gradual expansion of the Norwegian road network... Read »

Book chapter

Appearing and Disappearing Landscapes 2.0.

‘DAHL: I think the notions Appearing and Disappearing landscapes and the notion To charge the landscape with new energy in all our projects have been related to different conceptions of landscape. In a sense a kind of explorative position of landscapes under pressure, searching for a terminology on its behalf so to speak... Read »


La Byen Synges

Letter to the editor, Tromsø paper Nordlys. january 12th 2013 ‘I høst var vi mange stumme vitner til at dialogenes by fremstod som samehetsens by. I selskap med mange andre som vanligvis er svært engasjert i spørsmål om Tromsøs utvikling, holdt jeg meg utenfor ordskiftet som fulgte byrådets beslutning om å trekke søknaden om innlemmelse i forvaltningsområdet for samisk språk... Read »

Book chapter

Water Urbanisms spanning the globe: the Scheldt Estuary & Mekong Delta

Water and mud. Erosion and sedimentation. Profits and perils. Natural and social forces. Water resource management and urbanization. Human culture and civilization requires the control and appropriation of water. The capture, storage, and distribution of water inextricably bind physical and social processes into a thorny relationship between nature and society... Read »

Book chapter

Can cities be green?

Urban sustainability is often reduced to a specific set of issues packaged in the notion of ‘green city’ or ‘eco-city’. The idea of eco-city is problematic in terms of pure sustainability, but forms an important motive in urban policy. The architectural policy of Oslo emphasizes sustainability, and ‘greenness’ is a marketable quality which is exploitable in the promotion of cities... Read »


UFO2 Human Settlements : formulations and (re)calibrations

Wars, internal conflicts and natural catastrophes are plaguing the world. Millions of people are on the run in search of new, safer places to settle temporarily or permanently. “Human settlements” goes in more depth into the aspects of modern settlements that are related to architecture, urban design and planning... Read »


Green Urbanism

The notion of ‘green city’ or ‘eco-city’ occurs in urban planning policies in many cities. The issue of sustainability in urbanism is often reduced to a discussion of a limited range of quantifiable factors, but there are in fact not only one but many different and often competing ‘sustainability agendas’... Read »


Landscape of Contemporary Infrastructure

The growing and unmistakable interest in infrastructure calls for a sound overview of recent exemplary design. Across the globe, public authorities view infrastructure—particularly transport infrastructure—as their primary field of investment... Read »


UFO1 Water Urbanisms

Water is re-conquering the contemporary agenda of urbanism. The renewed focus for urbanists is not uncalled for. Rather, its disappearance during the heydays of urbanism in the 19th and 20th century is remarkable. Water Urbanisms has three main sections. Water Cultures. Essays on Water Urbanism elaborates interplays of urbanism and water in different cultures and regions. Another Water Urbanism... Read »



Shopping – Integrating the Fragmented City

The article discusses the fact that much of the current urban theory describes the city as both physically and socially fragmented as a negative result of globalization and other forces, while some architects and writers adopt a somewhat more positive tone, seeing a potential for urban integration with shopping as an integrating program. .. Read »



Byens tilfeldige møter: Hva får fremmede til å interagere med hverandre?

Artikkelen befatter seg med tilfeldig interaksjon mellom byens fremmede. Slik interaksjon er et grunnleggende og ofte feiret trekk ved bylivet. Hvilke forhold som utløser kontakt av denne typen, har likevel sjelden blitt systematisk dokumentert. Artikkelen utforsker underliggende omstendigheter som bevirker tilfeldig, vennligsinnet interaksjon mellom fremmede i byens utendørs offentlige rom... Read »


På sporet av byen : lesninger i senmoderne byliv

Boken presenterer for første gang på norsk de viktigste tendensene innenfor internasjonal byutvikling – og i forskningen og teoriutviklingen omkring denne. Antologiens bidragsytere er fremstående byforskere som kombinerer teori og empiri på spennende måter. Byene får stadig større økonomisk, politisk og sosial betydning, en utvikling som er tydelig også her til lands... Read »